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LoveQuilts Australia - Matilda's quilt

Matilda's quilt    (Quilt Completed)

Born:June 2013
Illness: Congential Itchyosis

Theme: Rainbows

Quilt delivered: 25th Mar 2020
Photo of Matilda

Thank you

Just want to thank everyone who contributed and made Matildas quilt possible.
It has arrived during the isolation period just in time for another cold Tasmanian Winter.
The quilt has brought her a tremendous amount of joy and is truely treasured.
We are in awe of the incredible stitching talent and really appreciate all the time and efforts that have gone into making this quilt for Matilda to enjoy.

A giant Thank-you from our family to all of you.

Finished photos

Photo of Matildas quilt

Photo of Matildas quilt

Photo of Matildas quilt

Quilted by: Diana

Individual squares

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Diana Tanner (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: E.E. (Beth) Filmer (+)
Submitted: Sep 2019

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: E.E. (Beth) Filmer (+)
Submitted: Sep 2019

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Jessica Eby (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Jodi Maple (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Kylie (+)
Submitted: Dec 2019

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Kylie (+)
Submitted: Dec 2019

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Lauren (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Loraine (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Loraine (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Sharine (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020

Cross stitch square for Matilda's quilt
Stitched by: Susan Smith (+)
Submitted: Jan 2020


Card for Matilda
Stitched by: Jill Smith


Born Mid 2013 Prem , with a Collodian Membrane Providing the Primary diagnosis of Itchyosis . Within the First month of life , Matilda had to overcome Meningitis and various Bacterial infections that will have a life long effect on her general quality of life.
Within the First Five years of life Matilda has had over come many life threatening Skin infections , Learn to communicate with Vision and hearing imperfections and manage all the joys of childhood with the restrictions her Skin & Arthritis have imposed. Matildas day to day life involves Skin dressing changes and lotion applications which is time consuming and painful. Typical additional Itchyosis restrictions are Lack of Sweat glands which leads to ineffective temperature control its very easy to over heat or become too cold. Fraile skin breaks and rubs very easily something as simple as a grabbing a pencil or putting on your shoes could be enough to harm the skin today. Fatigue - it is hard to run too far or be out in the sun too long without the skin becoming painful. Medical treatment requires frequent trips interstate. Matilda now 6 years old has a good quality of life , enjoys being outdoors watching Birds & Butterflys and has recently discovered cartwheels.